Lionel Williams

Lionel Williams

Member from 1977 to present


Having been 'on the fringe' for about 30 years, it was only last year that I became a fully paid up member of Players. Strange really when one considers my starring role in Cinderella (one of the beautiful sisters although a typo in the programme said 'Ugly') and role as assistant to Bill Darby in the earlier days when all the scenery wobbled and needed manual, behind-the-scene assistance to secure it during performances. Videoing My Fair Lady and Aladdin were challenging and hard on the legs standing at one side of the hall on a table.

Appearances as cast

Lionel has appeared in these productions.

Year Show Role
2020 The Wind in the Willows Motorist Rupert
2018 It's Behind You! Cast member
2015 Mad Bess Abbot Herluin
2011 Monologues and Sketches Washing Dishes
2009 Local Gossip Player
2008 Seventy Five Glorious Years Player
2000 Cinderella Coriander